Sheng Di Huang
It was bloody honors all night long at the 2009 Golden Blood Awards on Saturday evening as Sheng Di Huang accepted the Lifetime Acheivment Award for Clearing Heat to Cool the Blood.
Sheng Di was gracious in his acceptance speech to an audience filled with high fevers, dry mouths and loads of restlessness. The paparrazi were delirious to capture a shot of the sweet icon of bitter coldness!
A short film tribute to Sheng Di Huangs established history of treating hematemesis, epistaxis, and hematuria brought calming anti-inflammatory relief to attendees. Even those with Xue Level Heat manifesting as dermatological disorders stopped their vile itching as their rashes and urticaria found relief.
Old friend and colleague, Chai Hu, presented Sheng Di Huang with the Golden Blood Vessel Award. Chai Hu brought the house down with his wild sense of humor and Liver Qi Soothing action. PMS (recently jilted by Chai Hu!) was super-pissed and stormed out in the middle of Sheng Di's acceptance speech. Too bad D-List bitch! No one cools blood to relieve excessive mentrual bleeding like Sheng Di!
Mu Dan Pi accompanied her hubby down the red carpet, but OMG, what was she thinking with that outfit! It just says, "Bleh...zzzzz....(*snore!*)....!" C'mon sistah! You know how to eliminate Blood Stasis bettah than that! We expect more from the Queen of Relieving Ascendant Liver Fire. Our headaches, red eyes with pain, flank pain, flushing, and dysmenorrhea NEED YOU TO GET IT TOGETHA, Mu Dan Pi!
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