Saturday, January 10, 2009

Muscle Up, Baby

Dui Yao pair Huang Qi and Dang Shen muscle up!

Once again, formula-goddess Huang Qi has chosen to collaborate on another musically tonifying and uplifting formula with sassy Dang Shen. They are in the studio now decocting their latest creation—which sources reveal is going by the working title of "Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang."

When asked why not pair up with Ren Shen, producer and King Herb, Huang Qi stated matter of factly, "It was a negotiation thing...Ren Shen just wanted too much money. Don't get me wrong...I love Ren Shen! Who doesn't? No one revitalizes source qi like Ren Shen, but with the economy in it's current state, I felt it was the prudent choice to go with up-and-commer, Dang Shen."

Dang Shen stated she was eager to pair with Huang Qi, and bring her Spleen and Stomach Qi tonifying abilities as well as Yin nourshing talents to the project. "Huang Qi is just SO amazing at building Wei Qi and defending from exterior attack. A tonic herb would have to be out of her mind not to want to collaborate with Huang Qi. Besides, she promotes urination, raises up sunken Yang, and stops sweating. It's truly an honor to Dui Yao with her."

Huang Qi was meticulous as always in her selection of supportive herbs. In addition to some of her usual band members—Zhi Gan Cao, Bai Zhu and Chen Pi—Huang Qi also brought Dang Gui on board to move and tonify blood, as well as, Sheng Ma and Chai Hu to uplift depressingly sunken Qi and Yang.

No prolapsed organs in the house with this formula! "Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang" promises to melodically firm stool, relieve spontaneous sweating and fatigue, while improving appetite, shortness of breath, and generalized weakness.

"Intermittent fever that is worse upon extertion will not be a part of this formula," states uber-diva Huang Qi. "I am so sick of that Middle Jiao Qi deficiency shit! Totally overplayed. I am an artist. No weak, empty pulses, and chronic diarrhea. Eff that!"

So volatile, that Huang Qi queen bee! No wonder she's contraindicated for people with high blood pressure!



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